quick practice today. I'm flying back home tomorrow to see family.
Octopus (practice)
animal practice today
obergruppenführer smith
Watching Man in the High Castle season 2, which I'm enjoying immensely. I put the book on my reading list. I think Rufus Sewell is killing it in this show.
I call her Nyx. This was a sketch I did last night, supposed to be that part of me that always wants to be perfect, to do EVERYTHING every day, the kind of unhealthy version of drive. I think often it's easy to fall into a trap where you tell yourself "I SHOULD be doing this work, then I should go to the gym, then I should do this, and this." and you take the enjoyment out of your day. I've done my panic attacks as a creature before so this is the second experiment in the series.
Newt Scamander
I really enjoyed the Fantastic beasts movie. Did a bit of fanart yesterday for fun.
December sale at the print shop
My etsy store is having a December sale as I work through my inventory. I will possibly be switching prints to INPRNT and Society6, but it's still in process so for now, do take advantage of my low december prices. I have signed art prints, notebooks with my original vignettes on the covers, stickers including tea stickers and more so check it out!
Nanowrimo 25-30, I'm done!
Guys. I'm done. I did 30 covers in 30 days. Oh man it was harder than I thought. Not all of them are great, you know... but I do actually really like a few of them and I may turn them into full illustrations.
I also enjoyed doing these this month quite a lot. The support from the nanowrimo community was really great and I think next month for December, I'll do a winter/christmas/holiday theme for my sketches, and try to do one a day.
Nanowrimo 22-24
Hey guys! I've got three more for my cover nanowrimo project. Only six more to go before I have all 30!
In other news, I just saw Fantastic Beasts and where to find them, and enjoyed it tremendously! Highly recommended, and definitely the best Harry Potter film. I may do some fanart in the future.
Nanowrimo 19-21
My november cover per day journey continues for the nanowrimo writers on reddit. I've got three more. Enjoy!
Nanowrimo book covers day 15-18
Continuing my cover a day exercise for nanowrimo this year. Doing a cover a day. I'm caught up again (had to do three today) so here are the rest of them. I've been enjoying this so much I may come up with a theme each month and just keep doing a committed, themed daily sketch. I think it's good for ideas.
Etsy store sale and prints future plans
Some of you may know that I have a store on Etsy for prints here.
The store is not linked on my main page here because I'm considering either moving my commerce to my website itself, or using INPRNT for print sales, so there's a transition happening. There's a September sale up on the etsy store that's been left up for two months, and I'm intentionally leaving it while I work on the transition. If you'd like to take advantage, prints are marked down and shipping in the US is free, as I empty my inventory and consider how I'd like to sell prints in the future.
- Lauren
Nanowrimo 2016
I've been doing Novel cover sketches for nanowrimo writers on reddit, and I'm up to day 14 now. Check out what I've done so far.