new painting! I did this one right after Emerald City but it ended up taking me slightly more than 2 weeks due to my mom getting here, lots of doctors visits now that I've hit the third trimester and just general prepping for baby stuff. I tried a new technique based on kevin wada for this piece but found it didn't feel comfortable and didn't really work for my style. This is why the colors in this piece are a bit different than my other ones. Still I'm happy with it. I like the theme of it, I like the concept of this kind of warrior/tiger energy moving forward in the face of doubt and fear, maybe I'm trying to channel some of that now that I'm about to have a kid and all of that. Enjoy!
New painting for the portfolio. I'm not sure how to categorize this one so I will probably put it in both categories. This was a thank you painting for my great Uncle.
I moved back to the mainland about a year and a half ago, maybe more like two years ago. I haven't seen most of my family in 6 years, some of them in 10 years. I really wanted to see them the first chance I got, so I decided to go to my cousin's wedding, if I could raise the money for a plane ticket. I started a gofundme thing for it and asked my family to help out and my great uncle basically bought the whole thing. I was able to see my mom, my brother, my cousins, everyone, it was really emotional for me since so much time had passed and I'm pregnant, so I was getting all of that attention too. I found out my uncle really likes hawaiian stuff, and enjoys the general culture of the islands, so I thought I'd do a special painting for him.